How we can help with ESS Reporting

Understanding how employee share schemes (ESS) works is essential in determining your business’s compliance requirements and deadlines. Terms like ‘taxed up-front schemes’, ‘tax deferred schemes’ and ‘discounts’ can leave your head spinning and this is where Baran Consulting come into play.


The ATO employ strict compliance and reporting conditions on employers, and with deadlines for ESS reporting looming, it might be time to consider outsourcing this tax function. ESS statements are due to be issued to employees by 14 July 2020 with Employer ESS Reports due for lodgement with the ATO on 14 August 2020.


Baran Consulting have ATO compliant software to manage ESS reporting for any number of employees 50 and over. We can efficiently prepare your ESS statements and lodge your ESS Annual Report, leaving you to focus on the more important task of growing your business.


If you are interested to learn more about outsourcing your 2020 ESS reporting, get in touch with Baran Consulting.